Menu of Services

Medical Massage:  30 min $60,  50 min $100,  60 min $120,  90min $180 (Note:  additional fee for travel may apply)

Catered to your specific goals be it scar tissue work, increasing range of motion, relaxation and/or gentle reintegration, decreasing spasticity, or an old fashioned Myofascial or Swedish Massage by someone aware of contraindications and beneficial techniques for your specific medical condition.  Yes, I work mastectomy scars and gently, carefully help to free bound tissue.  It is my goal to provide you with tools to further your healing outside of our sessions.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage:  45-60 min $140,  90 min (may include fitting services or combo massage) $200

Performed by a Certified Lymphedema Therapist with 135 hours training in Complete Decongestive Therapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage from a LANA approved school.   My services are best suited to those with lymphedema and lipedema that are in the maintenance phase of care as well as those considered at risk for lymphedema. 

MLD is also recommended for it's general detox and calming effect on the nervous system.  I am here to help with those who have had trauma to their lymphatic system be it injury, cancer care, surgery or liposuction.  

Please find another therapist if you are preparing for liposuction because I will do my best to talk you out of elective surgery that causes a large disruption to the lymphatic system.

Reiki with or without Intuitive Bodywork:  60 min  $120

Gentle work that facilitates the body's innate healing abilities.

Exercise Tune Ups:  30 min, 60 min (Call for pricing)

As a Certified Personal Trainer I can accompany you to final sessions of PT and continue your care once discharged.  Also design and modify an exercise program to safely make gains post oncology or surgical interventions.  Medical clearance required.  Available to coordinate with your care team.

Heather Dalton, LMT
